We are…
- experienced finance professionals, highly trained and skilled in our field.
- CPA’s who make a significant contribution to our client’s financial health.
- counselors to owners and managers.
- trainers of in-house finance staff.
- “doers” when needed in various accounting software packages.
- your financial interface with investors, banks and the outside world.
- your negotiators in corporate matters related to your finances.
- your interface with tax professionals regarding your taxes.
- your in-house insurance team.
- your “finance” right arm.
What we do…
- We provide you with financial confidence, positioning and peace of mind.
- We provide part-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO) services to a limited number of companies.
- We act as your in-house CFO on a part-time basis.
- We are not “independent”. We work on your behalf.
- We pursue your agenda for improved financial performance and results.
- We bring our multi-industry experience to focus on your challenges.
- We improve your profitability, cash flow, performance and financial health.
The Financial Advantage…
- Access to skilled in-house finance support, without full time compensation or benefits.
- Amount of effort scaled to the needs of individual companies.
- Peace of mind that financial matters are being addressed.
- Timely access to financial advice at all times.
- Experienced professional on management team.